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姓      名: 马宏宾 性别: 出生年月: 1978.7
职      称: 教授 职务: 最高学历: 博士
学科方向: 控制科学与工程 导航制导与控制、控制理论与控制工程
人才计划: 新世纪 办公地点: 6#616
电子邮件: mathmhb@bit.edu.cn 办公电话: 010-68913985
通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号院北京理工大学自动化学院6号楼616


1997.9-2001.7郑州大学 系统科学与数学系 基础数学专业 学士
2001.9-2006.7中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 运筹学与控制论专业 理学博士
2006.3-2006.6贝尔实验室 研究实习生
2006.8-2009.7新加坡国立大学 淡马锡研究所 研究员
2009.8-      北京理工大学 自动化学院 正教授
2013.4-2013.9英国普利茅斯大学 机器人与神经系统中心 高级访问学者




7.Bringing Human Neuromotor Intelligence to Robots,2011年8月-2014年8月,欧盟玛丽居里基金FP7国际合作项目(PIIFR-GA-2010-910078),中方负责人


1.Hongbin Ma,Finite-model adaptive control using WLS-like algorithm, Automatica,43,no. 4,(2007),pp.677-684.[Top journal,SCI:3.132,EI](8 pages)
2.Hongbin Ma,Finite-model adaptive control using LS-like algorithm,International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,21,no. 5,(2007),pp.391-414.[SCI:1.656,EI](24 pages)
3.Hongbin Ma,Further Results on Limitations to the Capability of Feedback,International Journal of Control,81,no. 1,(2008),pp.21-42. [SCI:1.137,EI](22 pages)
4.Hongbin Ma,Several algorithms for finite-model adaptive control problem,Mathematics of Control,Signals,and Systems,(2008),20,no. 3,pp. 271-303. [SCI:1.152,EI]  (33 pages)
5.Hongbin Ma,An “impossibility” theorem on a class of high-order discrete-time nonlinear control systems,Systems & Control Letters,57,no. 6,(2008),pp.497-504. [Top journal,SCI:1.886,EI] (8 pages)
6.Hongbin Ma,Decentralized Adaptive Synchronization of A Stochastic Discrete-time Multi-agent Dynamic Model, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,48,no. 2,(2009),859-880. [Top journal,SCI:1.389,EI] (22 pages)
7.Mengyin Fu and Yuanshui Huang and Hongbin Ma, New Method for Recognition of Circular Traffic Sign Based on Radial Symmetry and Pseudo-Zernike Moments, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, vol. 4, no. 4, 2011, 116-122. (7 pages)
8.Hongbin Ma, Easy-to-use Chinese MTeX Suite, The PracTeX Journal, no.1, 2012. (48 pages)
9.Jun Liu and Xuemei Ren and Hongbin Ma*, A New PSO Algorithm with Random C/D Switchings, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(19): 9579-9593, 2012. [SCI:1.6] (15 pages)
10.Jun Liu and Xuemei Ren and Hongbin Ma*, Adaptive Swarm Optimization for Locating and Tracking Multiple Targets, 12(11): 3656-3670, Applied Soft Computing, 2012. [SCI:2.679] (15 pages)
11.Chenguang Yang and Hongbin Ma* and Mengyin Fu, Adaptive Predictive Control of Periodic NARMA Systems Using Nearest-Neighbor Compensation, IET Control Theory and Applications, 2013, 7:1-16.  [SCI:1.844]
12.Hongbin Ma* and Yini Lv and Chenguang Yang and Mengyin Fu, Decentralized Adaptive Filtering for Multi-agent Systems with Uncertain Couplings, Acta Automatica Sinica, 2014, 1(1), 94−105. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1004.2014.00094 [top journal, EI]
13.Bo Feng and Hongbin Ma* and Mengyin Fu and Shunting Wang, A Framework of Finite-Model Kalman Filter with Case Study: MVDP-FMKF Algorithm,Acta Automatica Sinica,2013, 39(8): 1246-1256. [top journal, EI]
14.Bo Feng and Mengyin Fu and Hongbin Ma* and Yuanqing Xia, Kalman Filter with Recursive Covariance Estimation --- Sequentially Estimating Process Noise Covariance, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2014, 61(11):6253-6263. [regular paper, top journal, SCI:6.5, EI]
15.Qiong Hu, Qing Fei, Hongbing Ma, Qingbo Geng and Tian Lan, Hardware-in-loop Simulation of Flight Control System Based on ADRC Technique for Quadrotor UAV, Control Engineering of China, 2013. (accepted 2013.7.29)
16.Jun Liu, Hongbin Ma*, Xuemei Ren, Tianyun Shi, A New Joint Spectral Radius Analysis of Random PSO Algorithm, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2014, 7(6):1022-1043. [SCI: 1.47]  (accepted 2013.12.25)
17.Weidong Wang, Hongbin Ma*, Youqing Wang, Performance Analysis Based on Least Squares and Extended Kalman Filter for Localization of Static Target in Wireless Sensor Networks, Ad Hoc Networks, 2015, Part A, 25(2):1-15. [SCI:1.943]  (accepted 2014.8.17)
18.Bo Feng and Hongbin Ma* and Mengyin Fu and Chenguang Yang, A New Real-Time State Estimator without Noise Covariance Matrices Knowledge,IET Control Theory and Applications,2014. [SCI:1.844, EI]
19.Qiong Hu, Hongbin Ma*, Qing Fei, Qingbo Geng, Qinghe Wu, Smooth switching control for discrete-time multi-variable systems with unknown time-varying parameters,IET Control Theory and Applications,2014. [SCI:1.844, EI]
20.Qiong Hu, Qing Fei, Hongbin Ma*, Qinghe Wu, Qingbo Geng, Switching Control System based on Robust Model Reference Adaptive Control,Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. [SCI: 0.370]
21.Qiong Hu, Qing Fei, Qingbo Geng, Hongbin Ma*, Real-time Simulation of Flight Control System Based on ADRC Technique, Control Engineering of China, 2014, 21(4): 537-546. [EI]
22.Qiong Hu, Qing Fei, Hongbin Ma*, Qingbo Geng,Flight Control System based on Gain-scheduling Decoupling Control, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2014.  (accepted)
23.Zejun Xu, Hongbin Ma*, Chenguang Yang, Jiangping Li, The Adaptive Impedance Control Of Bimanual Manipulators Based On Function Approximation Techniques, Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences, 2014.  (accepted)
24.Xinyu Wang, Mengyin Fu, Hongbin Ma*, Yi Yang, Multi-lane Detection Based on Equidistant Curves Lane Model, Control Engineering Practice,2014. [SCI:1.943, EI] (accepted)
25.Bo Feng and Hongbin Ma* and Mengyin Fu, Kalman Filter with Recursive Covariance Estimation Revisited, Science China Information Sciences, 2014. [EI]  (under review)




1.马宏宾,陈增强,张纪峰. 自适应控制:过去、现在与未来,控制理论发展战略研究报告,(2012), pp.119-139, 科学出版社.
2.Hongbin Ma and Kai-Yew Lum,Adaptive Estimation and Control for Systems with Parametric and Nonparametric Uncertainties,in Adaptive Control,(2009),pp.15-64,Edited by Kwanho You, I-Tech Education and Publishing,Vienna,Austria. ISBN: 978-953-7619-47-3. (invited book chapter) (50 pages)
3.Hongbin Ma,Chenguang Yang and Mengyin Fu,Decentralized Adaptive Control of Discrete-Time Multi-Agent Systems,in Discrete-time Systems,(2011),pp.229-254,Edited by Mario Alberto Jordán, I-Tech Education and Publishing,Vienna,Austria. ISBN: 978-953-307-200-5. (invited book chapter) (26 pages)
4.Chenguang Yang and Hongbin Ma*,Adaptive Predictive Output Feedback Control With Asymptotic Tracking,in Discrete-time Systems,(2011),pp.207-228,Edited by Mario Alberto Jordán, I-Tech Education and Publishing,Vienna,Austria. ISBN: 978-953-307-200-5. (invited book chapter) (22 pages)





1.  线性系统理论   54学时    研究生课(全英文培养专业)
2. 滤波理论及应用36学时     研究生课(全英文培养专业)
3.  控制科学基本原理与应用 144学时 本科生课(徐特立学院明精计划,参与)
4.  矩阵代数、控制、博弈   108学时 本科生课(徐特立学院明精计划,参与)



1. 2012年获霍英东教育基金会第十三届高等院校青年教师奖 全国二等奖
2. 2012年获北京理工大学第十三届优秀教育教学成果奖 二等奖
3. 2013年获“大洋电机教育”奖教学金创新指导奖
4. 2011年指导研究生参加全国研究生数学建模竞赛获奖 全国一等奖
5. 2011 年指导大学生参加Atmel AVR中国校园设计大赛获奖 全国一等奖
6. 2011年、2013年 指导大学生参加美国数学建模大赛获奖 国际一等奖
7. 2012年指导大学生参加西门子杯工业自动化挑战赛获奖 全国二等奖
8. 2013年指导大学生参加全国大学生数学竞赛 北京赛区一等奖、二等奖
9. 2014年指导大学生参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛 全国二等奖

